Bordeaux Rock 2006

Auteur(s) Dombrance; Tender Forever (Chanteur); Bling, Éric (Chanteur); Petit Vodo (Chanteur); Il Fulgurante; Metronome Charisma; No Hay Banda; People on Holiday; Calc; Out of Date; Aeroflot; The Jellybears; Nihil; The Wild Bud; Crésus; Pull; Adam Kesher; Zombie Eaters; Antena Tres; The Peels; Hot Flowers; Samba Wallace; Jenx; Luke; Magnetix; Oversoul; Ginger Frolic; Arno de Cea; The Film; Sincabeza; Call Gate; Sleepers; Humeau, Romain; Luke; Crésus
Titre(s) Bordeaux Rock 2006 [Enregistrements sonores (musical)] / Anthologie.
Editeur(s) Bordeaux Rock ; Bordeaux, 01/01/06.
Contient Soul singer / Petit Vodo. - Dans les flaques / Cresus. - Luger / Antena Tres. - Je m'en irai toujours / Romain Humeau. - At five / Samba Wallace. - I fear the worst / Call Gate. - Les yeux fermés / Eiffel. - Keeper Shop / Magnetix. - Where is my place / Adam Kesher. - The secretive show / Calc. - Hey girl / Pull. - Morts-vivants / Zombie Eaters. - 1973 / The Wild Bud. - Can you touch me (drink drank drunk mix) / Cresus. - La Salie / Arno de Cea. - Reprise de volée / Sincabeza. - Make out / Tender Forever. - Hemeralopic / People on holiday. - Your France is going to die / Metronome Charisma. - Si j'étais mieux / Jon Smith. - I'm down / Dombrance. - Black Flag / Kim. - Unsual / Jenx. - Drink'n forget / Out of date. - Coffee / Ginger Frolic. - Desert Suck Suck / Aeroflot. - Malincuore / Il Fulgurante. - What's nu ? / Eric Bling. - Hasta Siempre / Luke. - Whorhouse / Hot Flowers. - The Last rodeo / The Jellybears. - Cautérise / Nihil. - Neverday / No hay banda. - Better man / Oversoul. - Evil minded / Sleepers. - Record Shop Blues / The Peels.
Sujet(s) Rock (musique)
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