The Butterfly that stamped

Titre(s) The Butterfly that stamped [Livres] / Rudyard Kipling.
Editeur(s) Macmillan Children's ; London, 01/01/85.
Résumé This story is about trying not to use great power to impress, but to help others. A lesson for us all today ! It features The Little Butterfly who felt his wife was always picking on him so he tried to trickily impress her. A Powerful and Magical King who felt his 999 wives were always picking on him too ! His favourite wife Balkis, who was not only beautiful but wise and helped to make everyone happy in the end... eventually ! "The Butterfly that Stamped" fait partie d'une série de livres connus sous le nom de Just So Stories de Rudyard Kipling. Ce sont des histoires courtes collectées. Les histoires expliquent comment les choses sont censées être apparues.
Sujet(s) Anglais (langue)
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